I Will Wait chords
Mumford & Sons

(4.67 stars, 3 votes)
Am Em7 C F C G
Am Em7 C F C G
Versetto 1
CI came home
Like a stFone
And I fell heCavy into your aGrms
These daysC of dust
Which we'veF known
Will blow Caway with this new Gsun
And IAm'll knEm7eel dowCn
AGnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu C
WaFit fCor nGow
And AmI'll knEm7eel dowCn
KnowF my gCrounGd
IC will wait, I will wait for you Em G
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for you Em G
Versetto 2
CSo break my step
And reFlent
You foCrgave and I won't forGget
Know what we've Cseen
AGnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu C
And him with Fless
Now in some Cway, shake the excGess
CCause I will wait, I will wait for yEmou G
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu G
And IAm'll knEm7eel dowCn
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu G
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu G
Versetto 3
NCow I'll be bold
As well as sFtrong
Use my hCead alongside my heart G G
And AmI'll knEm7eel dowCn
So take my Cflesh
And fix my Feyes
That tethered Cmind free from the lies G G
AndAm I'll Em7kneel dCown
WaFit fCor nGow
And AmI'll knEm7eel dowCn
So take my Cflesh
KnowF my gCrounGd
C Em7 Am F C G
And reFlent
C Em7 Am F C G
RCaise Em7my haAmnds
PFaint my spiCrit goldG
And bCow Em7my hAmead
KFeep my hearCt slow G
Versetto 4
CCause I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu G
KCeep my hearFt slow G
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for youEm G
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu G
ACnd I will wait, I will wait for yoEmu G
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
Am accordo
Em7 accordo
C accordo
F accordo
G accordo
Em accordo
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Tonalità originale: A Minore