To The Sky chords
Owl City

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B F# E F#
B F# E F#
BDa Da F#Da Da
EDa Da F#Da-da-da-da-da
BDa Da F#Da Da
EDa Da F#Da-da-da-da-da
Versetto 1
BShipwreck in a F#sea of faces
G#mThere's a dreamy wF#orld up there
BDear friends in F#higher places
ECarry me Eaway from here
BTravel light, let the F#sun eclipse you
ECause your flight is aEbout to leave
F#And there's more to this bBrave adventure
EThan you'd ever beF#lieve
BBirds-eye F#view awG#make the stars cause tEhey're all around you
BWide F#eyes will always bG#mrighten the blEue
BChase your F#dreams, and G#mremember me, sweet brEavery
Cause F#after all those wBings will take you, uEp so hEadd9igh
So F#bid the forest fBloor goodbye as you rEace the wind
EBirds-eye F#view awG#make the stars cause tBhey're all around you
AndF# take to the sBky F# E
F#You take to the sky
BDa Da F#Da Da
EDa Da F#Da-da-da-da-da
Versetto 2
BOn the heels of F#war and wonder
G#mThere's a stormy wF#orld up there
BYou can't whisper F#above the thunder
EBut you can fly Eanywhere
BPurple burst of F#paper birds
EThis picture paints a Ethousand words
Cause F#after all those wEings will take you, uBp so hEadd9igh
F#So take a breath of mByth and mystery E
And don't look baF#ck
BBirds-eye F#view awG#make the stars cause tEhey're all around you
BWide F#eyes will always bG#mrighten the blEue
BYou take to the sky
BChase your F#dreams, and G#mremember me, sweet brEavery
Cause F#after all those wBings will take you, uEp so hEadd9igh
So F#bid the forest fBloor goodbye as you rEace the wind
AndF# take to the sBky F# E
F#You take to the sky B F# E F#
EThere's a realm Babove the tF#rees
F#Where the lost are finally found
ETouch your feathers Bto the bF#reeze
F#So take a breath of mEyth and mystery B
F#And leave the ground
BBirds-eye F#view awG#make the stars cause tEhey're all around you
BWide F#eyes will always bG#mrighten the blEue
BChase your F#dreams, and G#mremember me, sweet brEavery
Cause F#after all those wBings will take you, uEp so hEadd9igh
So F#bid the forest fBloor goodbye as you rEace the wind
AndF# take to the sBky F# E
BTouch your feathers Eto the bF#reeze
F#You take to the sky B F# E
F#You take to the sky B F# E F#
BDa Da F#Da Da
EDa Da F#Da-da-da-da-da
BDa Da F#Da Da
AndF# take to the sEky F# B
EDa Da F#Da-da-da-da-da
BYou take to the sky
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
B accordo
F# accordo
E accordo
G#m accordo
Eadd9 accordo
placeholder for youtube video
Auto Scroll
Tonalità originale: B Maggiore
Featured in the movie "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole/"