Hey Jude chordsThe Beatles
★★★★★(4.4 stars, 5 votes)
Versetto 1
Hey FJude, don't make it Cbad
Take a Bbsad song and make it Fbetter
ReBbmember to let her into your Fheart,
Then you can C7start to make it Fbetter
Versetto 2
Hey FJude, don't be aCfraid
You were Bbmade to go out and Fget her
The Bbminute you let her under your Fskin,
Then you C7begin to make it Fbetter
F7 And anytime you feel the Bbpain, hey JudeDm, reGmfrain
FNa na na, Ebna na na na
Don't carry the C7world upon your Fshoulders
F7 For well you know that it's a Bbfool who Dmplays it Gmcool
By making his C7world a little Fcolder C7
Versetto 3
Hey FJude, don't let me Cdown
You have Bbfound her, now go and Fget her
ReBbmember to let her into your Fheart
Then you C7begin to make it Fbetter, better, better, better
Then you can C7start to make it Fbetter
Versetto 4
F7 So let it out and let it Bbin, hey JudeDm, beGmgin
Dm And anytime you feel the Bbpain, hey JudeF7, reGmfrain
You're waiting for C7someone to perFform with
F7 And don't you know that it's just Bbyou
Hey JudeDm, you'll Gmdo
The movement you C7need is on your Fshoulder C7
Versetto 5
Hey FJude, don't make it Cbad
Take a Bbsad song and make it Fbetter
Bb And don't you know that it's just F7you
ReBbmember to let her under your Fskin,
Then you C7begin to make it Fbetter, better, better, better
FNa na na, Ebna na na na
Na na Bbna na na na
Hey CJude, don't let me Fdown
Hey FJude
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
F accordo
C accordo
Bb accordo
C7 accordo
F7 accordo
Dm accordo
Gm accordo
Eb accordo
Auto Scroll
Tonalità originale: F Maggiore