I Don't Know My Name chordsGrace VanderWaal
★★★★★(5 stars, 16 votes)
CI don't know my Fname
AmI don't play by the Grules of the game
So you Csay I'm Fjust trying
AmJust trGying
Versetto 1
So I Cheard you are my Fsister's friend
You Amget along quite Gnicely
You Cask me why I Fcut my hair
And Amchanged myself compGletely
CI don't know my Fname
So you Fsay I’m not Ctrying
AmI don't play by the Grules of the game
So you Csay I'm Fjust trying
AmJust trGying
Versetto 2
I wCent from bland and Fpopular
To Amjoining the marching Gband
I mCade the closest Ffriends I'll ever
FI don't know my Cname
Amhave in my Glifetime
F I am lost
G tAmrying to get found
G In an ocean of
To Amjoining the marching Gband
F peoAmple
F Please don't ask me anyAm questions
There won't Gbe a valid answer
I'll just Fsay
CI don't know my Fname
AmI don't play by the Grules of the game
So you Csay I'm Fjust trying
AmJust trGying
AmJust trGying
CI now know my Fname
AmI don't play by the Grules of the game
So you Csay I’m not Ftrying
AmBut I’m tryGing
F I am lost
To find my way C
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