EaglesUkulele Songs
The Eagles are an American rock band that was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1971. Currently consisting of vocalist/drummer Don Henley, guitarist/vocalist Joe Walsh and bassist/vocalist Timothy B. Schmit, the band had five Number 1 singles and six Number 1 albums. the Eagles were one of the most successful recording artists of the 1970s. The Eagles' album, Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 was named as the best-selling album of the 20th Century with 26 million sold More on Last.fm

Desperado by Eagles
Key: G Majeure
G accord
G7 accord
C accord
Cm accord
Em7 accord
A7 accord
D7 accord
B7 accord
D accord
Em accord
Bm accord
Am7 accord

Hotel California by Eagles
Key: B Mineure
Bm accord
F#7 accord
A accord
E7 accord
G accord
D accord
Em accord

Lyin' Eyes by Eagles
Key: G Majeure
G accord
C accord
Am accord
D accord
Em accord
Bm accord
A accord

Peaceful Easy Feeling by Eagles
Key: E Majeure
E accord
Esus4 accord
A accord
B accord
F#m7 accord

Seven Bridges Road by Eagles
Key: D Majeure
D accord
C accord
G accord

Take It Easy by Eagles
Key: G Majeure
G accord
C accord
D accord
Em accord
Am accord
G7 accord

Take It To The Limit by Eagles
Key: B Majeure
B accord
E accord
F# accord
D#7 accord
G#m accord
C#m accord
Eadd9 accord

Tequila Sunrise by Eagles
Key: G Majeure
G accord
D accord
Am accord
D7 accord
Em accord
C accord
Bm accord
E accord
B accord
Em7 accord
A accord