Fake Plastic Trees chordsRadiohead
★★★★★(5 stars, 1 vote)
Verset 1
A Her green plastic waAsus4tering Acan
A For her fake chinese rubAmaj7ber plaDsus2nt
In the fake plAasticDsus2 earth
A That she bought from aAsus4 rubberA man
A In a town full of rubAmaj7ber plaDsus2ns
To get rAid of itDsus2self
It wears heBmr out, it wears her Aout
It wears her oBmut, it wears her Aout
Verset 2
A She lives with a Bmbroken man
A A cracked polystyAmaj7rene maDsus2n
Who just crAumbles andDsus2 burns
A She tastes like the reDsus2al thiAmaj7ng
A He used to doAsus4 surgerAy
A For girls in the eiAmaj7ght - Dies
But gravity aAlwaysDsus2 wins
And it wears him Bmout, it wears him Aout
And it wears him Bmout, it weaArs
Verset 3
She Alooks like the Asus4real thAing
A She tastes like the reAmaj7al thiDsus2ng
My fake plAasticDsus2 love
A But I can't help tAsus4he feelAing
A I could blow through the cAmaj7eil - Dsus2ing
And if I could bDsus2e who you wanted
If I juAst turn andDsus2 run
And it wears me Bmout, it wears me Aout
It wears me Bmout, it weaArs me out
And if I could bDsus2e who you wanted
If I could bAe who you wanted
D For girls in the eiAmaj7ght - Aies
AlDsus2l the time, allA the time
Dsus2 A Dsus2 A
L'arrangement d'accords illustré ci-dessus est le propre travail de l'auteur en tant qu'interprétation de la chanson, ainsi que le contenu interactif connexe. Ce travail ne peut être utilisé qu'à des fins éducatives.
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A accord
Asus4 accord
Amaj7 accord
Dsus2 accord
Bm accord
D accord

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Tonalité d'origine: A Majeure