Transatlanticism chords
Death Cab for Cutie

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A C#m D F#m
A C#m D F#m E
Vers 1
AThe atlantic was born todC#may and I'll tell you howD F#m
AThe clouds above openedC#m up and let it ouDt F#m
EI was Astanding on the surface of a C#mperforated sphere
When the wDater filled every F#mhole
EAnd Athousands upon thousands made an oC#mcean
Making islands where Dno island should F#mgo, oh Eno
Instrumental (4x)
D A F#m E
AThose people were overjC#moyed; they took to theirD boats F#m
AI thought it less like a lC#make and more like a mDoat F#m
Vers 2
The Arhythm of my footsteps
Crossing C#mflood lands to your door
Have been Dsilenced forever F#mmore
C#mI need you so much closerF#m
The Adistance is quite simply much too C#mfar for me to row
It seems Dfarther than ever beF#mfore, oh Eno
DI need you so much closeAr F#m E
DI need you so much closeAr F#m E
DI need you so much closeAr F#m E
The Adistance is quite simply much too C#mfar for me to row
DI need you so much closeAr F#m E
F#mI need you so much closerC#m
DI need you so much closerE
F#mI need you so much closerBm
AI need you so much closeDr F#m E
DI need you so much closerA F#m E
Instrumental (13x)
D A F#m E
F#mI need you so much closerC#m
So come Dooonnnn, comAe ooF#mooooEonDnnnn A F#m E
DI need you so much closerE
F#mI need you so much closerBm
DI need you so much closerA F#m E
D A F#m E
D A F#m E
EI need you so much closerD
So come Dooonnnn, come AooooF#mooonEnnDnn A F#m E
So come Dooonnnn, come AooooF#mooonEnnDnn A F#m E
So come Dooonnnn, come AooooF#mooonEnnDnn A F#m E
So come Dooonnnn, comAe ooF#mooooEonDnnnn A F#m E
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Ursprüngliche Tonalität: A Dur