Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) chords
Green Day

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G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D
Verso 1
GAnother turning point, a Cadd9fork stuck in the Droad
GTime grabs you by the wrist, diCadd9rects you where to Dgo
EmSo make the Dbest of this Ctest and don't askG why
EmIt's not a Dquestion but a Clesson learned in Gtime
EmIt's something unpredicGtable but inEm the end it'sG right
EmI hope you had the Dtime of your Glife
G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D
Verso 2
GSo take the photographs and sCadd9till frames in your Dmind
G G Cadd9 D
GHang it on a shelf, in Cadd9good health and good Dtime
EmTattoos of mDemories and deCad skin on trGial
EmFor what it's Dworth it was Cworth all the Gwhile
EmIt's something unpredicGtable but inEm the end it'sG right
EmI hope you had the Dtime of your Glife
G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D
EmFor what it's Dworth it was Gworth all the Cwhile
Em D C G
Em D C G
EmIt's something unpredicGtable but inEm the end it'sG right
EmI hope you had the Dtime of your Glife
G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D
EmIt's something unpredicGtable but inEm the end it'sG right
EmI hope you had the Dtime of your Glife
G G Cadd9 D
G G Cadd9 D G
El arreglo mostrado a continuación es el trabajo del autor como interpretación de la canción, al igual que el contenido interactivo relacionado. Este trabajo solo puede ser utilizado con fines educativos.
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acorde G
acorde Cadd9
acorde D
acorde Em
acorde C
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Tonalidad original: G Mayor