Creep chordsRadiohead
★★★★★(4.8 stars, 20 votes)
G B C Cm
Verso 1
When you were here beGfore, couldn't look you in the Beyes
You look like an Cangel, your skin makes me Cmcry
You float like a Gfeather in a beautiful Bweather
I wish I was Cspecial, you're so very Cmspecial
But I'm a Gcreep, I'm a Bwierdo
I don't beCmlong here
What the hell am I doin' Chere?
I don't beCmlong here
Verso 2
I don't care if it Ghurts, I wanna have conBtrol
I don't belong Ghere
I want a perfectC body, I want a perfect Cmsoul
I want you to Gnotice, when I'm not aBround
You're so very Cspecial, I wish I was Cmspecial
But I'm a Gcreep, I'm a Bwierdo
What the hell am I doin' Chere?
I want you to Bnotice, when I'm not aGround
I don't beCmlong here
GShe's running out Bagain
CShe's running out
But I'm a Bcreep, I'm a Gwierdo
CmShe's run run run run
Verso 3
Whatever makes you Ghappy, whatever you Bwant
You're so very Cspecial, Wish I was Cmspecial
But I'm a Gcreep, I'm a Bwierdo
What the hell am I doin' Chere?
I don't beCmlong here
I don't belong Ghere
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