Someone Like You chords

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A C#m F#m D
Versetto 1
AI heard that you're C#msettled down
That you F#mfound a girl and you're Dmarried now
AI heard that your C#mdreams came true
Guess she F#mgave you things I didn't Dgive to you
AOld friend, why are you C#mso shy?
Ain't like F#myou to hold back or Dhide from the light
I Ehate to turn up out of the F#mblue uninvited
But I Dcouldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
That for Dme it isn't over
I'd Ehoped you'd see my face and F#mthat you'd be reminded
That for Dme it isn't over
ANever mind, I'll Efind someone like F#myou D
Bound F#mby the surprise of our Dglory days
I wish Anothing but the Ebest for F#myou Dtwo
Don't forAget me, I Ebeg, I'll reF#member you Dsaid
Sometimes it Alasts in love but Esometimes it hurts iF#mnsteaDd
Sometimes it Alasts in love but Esometimes it hurts iF#mnsteaDd
Versetto 2
You Aknow how the C#mtime flies
Only F#myesterday was the Dtime of our lives
ENever mind, I'll Afind someone like F#myou D
We were Aborn and raised in a C#msummer haze
Bound F#mby the surprise of our Dglory days
I Ehate to turn up out of the F#mblue uninvited
But I Dcouldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I'd Ehoped you'd see my face F#mand that you'd be reminded
I wish Dnothing but the Ebest for F#myou tAwo
That for Dme it isn't over
ANever mind, I'll Efind someone like F#myou D
I wish Anothing but the Ebest for F#myou Dtwo
Don't forAget me, I Ebeg, I'll reF#mmember you Dsaid
ENothing compares, no worries or cares
Sometimes it Alasts in love but Esometimes it hurts iF#mnsteaDd
ENothing compares, no worries or cares
RegF#mrets and mistakes, they are memories made
Don't forAget me, I Dbeg, I'll reF#member you Esaid
DWho would have known how bitterBmsweet Athis would Dtaste?
ANever mind, I'll Efind someone like F#myou D
That for Dme it isn't over
I wish Anothing but the Ebest for F#myou..D.
Don't forAget me, I Ebeg, I'll reF#mmember you Dsaid
Sometimes it Alasts in love but Esometimes it hurts iF#mnsteaDd
ANever mind, I'll Efind someone like F#myou D
I wish Anothing but the Ebest for F#myou tDwo
Don't forAget me, I Ebeg, I'll reF#mmember you Dsaid
Don't forDget me, I Ebeg, I'll reF#mmember you Asaid
Sometimes it Alasts in love but Esometimes it hurts iF#mnsteaDd
Sometimes it Alasts in love but Esometimes it hurts iF#mnsteaDd
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
A accordo
C#m accordo
F#m accordo
D accordo
E accordo
F# accordo
Bm accordo
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Tonalità originale: A Maggiore