Seven Bridges Road chordsEagles
★★★★★(5 stars, 2 votes)
Vers 1
DThere are Cstars
GIn the southern Dsky
DSouthward Cas you Ggo D
DThere is Cmoonlight
And Gmoss in the tDrees
DDown the seven Cbridges GroadD
Vers 2
DNow I have Cloved yGou like Da baby
DLike some lConesome Gchild D
DSometimes there's a part of Cme
DAnd I have Cloved yGou in a Dtame way
DAnd I have Cloved you Gwild D
CSometimes there's a part of Dme
CHas to turn from here and Dgo
DLike some lConesome Dchild G
CRunning like a child from Dthese warm stars
DDown the seven Cbridges Groad D
Vers 3
DThere are Cstars in the Gsouthern Dsky
GThere are Cstars in the Dsouthern Dsky
And if ever you deCcide you should Ggo D
There is a Ctaste of Gthyme sweetenedD honey
Down the seven Cbridges GroadD
Die oben gezeigte Akkordanordnung ist das Werk des Autors als Interpretation des Liedes zusammen mit verwandten interaktiven Inhalten. Diese Arbeit darf nur zu Bildungszwecken verwendet werden.
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