The Lazy Song chords
Bruno Mars

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BToday I don't feel F#like doing Eanything
BI just wanna F#lay in my Ebed
BDon't feel like picking F#up my phone
ESo leave a message at the tone
BCause today I swear I'm D#7not doingE anything
Versetto 1
Uh, BI'm gonna kick my feet up and F#stare at the fan
ETurn the TV on, Throw my hand in my pants
BNobody's gonna F#tell me I Ecan't, nah
BI'll be lying on the couch just F#chillin' in my snuggie
BCause in my castle F#I'm the freakin Eman
Oh Oh, C#myes I said it
D#mI said it
BOoh hoo F#ooh hoo
EI said it cause I F#can
BToday I don't feel F#like doing Eanything
BI just wanna F#lay in my Ebed
BDon't feel like picking F#up my phone
ESo leave a message at the tone
EI said it cause I F#can
BCause today I swear I'm D#7not doingE anything
ENothing at all
BOoh hoo F#ooh hoo
BOoh hoo F#ooh hoo
BOoh hoo F#ooh hoo
EHoo ooh ooh
Versetto 2
BTomorrow I wake up, do some F#P90X
ESo leave a message at the tone
EWith a really nice girl have some really nice sex
BAnd she's gonna scream F#out, "this is grEeat"
(Oh my god this is great)
BI might mess around and get my F#college degree
BI'm sorry pops you F#just have to Ewait
Oh Oh, C#myes I said it
BTomorrow I wake up, do some F#P90X
D#mI said it
EI said it cause I F#can
BToday I don't feel F#like doing Eanything
BI just wanna F#lay in my Ebed
BDon't feel like picking F#up my phone
BDon't feel like picking F#up my phone
BCause today I swear I'm D#7not doingE anything
No I C#main't gonna comb my F#hair
EI just wanna F#lay in my Bbed
Cause I G#main't going anywhere
C#mNo no no no noF# no no no nG#mooo
I'll just C#mstrut in my birthday F#suit
And G#mlet everything hang loose
C#mYeah yeah yeah yeah yF#eah yeah yeah yeah yeahG#mhh
Ohh, BToday I don't feel F#like doing Eanything
BI just wanna F#lay in my Ebed
BDon't feel like picking F#up my phone
Cause I G#main't going anywhere
ESo leave a message at the tone
BCause today I swear I'm D#7not doingE anything
ENothing at all
BOoh hoo F#ooh hoo
D#mI said it
EHoo ooh ooh, Nothing at all
BOoh hoo F#ooh hoo
Nothing at all
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
B accordo
F# accordo
E accordo
D#7 accordo
C#m accordo
D#m accordo
G#m accordo
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Tonalità originale: B Maggiore