Conversations in the Dark chords
John Legend

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B D#m G# E
Versetto 1
BTalk, let's have conversations in the D#mdark
World is sleeping, I'm awake G#mwith you, Ewith you
BWatch movies that we've both already D#mseen
I ain't even looking at the G#mscreen
It's true, I got my Eeyes on you
And you say that you'F#re not G#mworth it
G#mSwear on everything I pray to
You get Bhung up on your fF#laws
Well, in Emy eyes, you F#are G#mperfect as you F#are
BI won't ever try to change you, change you
D#mI will always want the same you, same you
G#mSwear on everything I pray to
That EI won't break your heaBrt
I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely
D#mKeep the secrets that you told me, told me
G#mAnd your love is all you owe me
And EI won't break your heart
Versetto 2
BOn Sunday mornings we sleep in 'til D#mnoon
Oh, I could sleep forever next to yG#mou, next tEo you
And Bwe, we got places we both gotta D#mbe
But there ain't nothing I would rather G#mdo
F#My love is everywhere you are
Than blow off all my Eplans for you
And you say that you're F#not G#mworth it
And get Bhung up on your F#flaws
Well, in Emy eyes, you F#are G#mperfect as you F#are
But in Emy eyes, F#you are perfect G#mas you F#are, as you are
BI won't ever try to change you, change you
D#mI will always want the same you, same you
G#mSwear on everything I pray to
That EI won't break your heaBrt
I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely
D#mKeep the secrets that you told me, told me
G#mAnd your love is all you owe me
And you say that you're F#not G#mworth it
And EI won't break your heart
When no F#one seems to notice
BOn Sunday mornings we sleep in 'til D#mnoon
G#mAnd your days, they seem so hard
F#My darling, you should know G#mthis
F#My love is everywhere you are
BI won't ever try to change you, change you (yeah)
D#mI will always want the same you, same you (oh oh)
G#mSwear on everything I pray to
That EI won't break your heart (yeah)
D#mKeep the secrets that you told me, told me
BI'll be there when you get lonely, lonely (you get lonely)
D#mKeep the secrets that you told me, told me (yeah yeah)
G#mAnd your love is all you owe me
And EI won't break your heaBrt
G#mAnd your love is all you owe me
EI won't break your heart
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
B accordo
D#m accordo
G# accordo
E accordo
G#m accordo
F# accordo
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Tonalità originale: B Maggiore