Island In The Sun chordsWeezer
★★★★★(5 stars, 3 votes)
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Vers 1
Em Am When you're oDn a hoGlidaEmy Am
You can't fDind the wGords to sEmay Am
All the thDings that cGome to yEmou Am
And I wDanna feGel it tEmoo Am
On an Disland Gin the sEmun Am
We'll be plDaying and hGaving fEmun Am
D We'll never fAmeel bad anymCore (Hip hip)
And it mDakes me fGeel so fEmine
I cAman't contrDol my brGain
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Vers 2
Em Am When you're oDn a goGlden seEma Am
Am Em G D
You don't nDeed no mGemorEmy Am
Just a plDace to Gcall your oEmwn Am
As we drDift intGo the zEmone Am
On an Disland Gin the sEmun Am
Am----Em- On an iGsland iDn the suEmn Am
We'll be plDaying and hGaving fEmun Am
And it mDakes me fGeel so fEmine
I cAman't contrDol my brGain
D We'll run awGay together
I cAman't contrGol my brDain
D We'll spend some tGime forever
C We'll never fAmeel bad anymDore (Hip hip)
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em Am D G
Em Am D G
G We'll run awDay together
Em Am D G
Em Am D G
Em----Am- On an iDsland iGn the suEmn Am
We'll be plDaying and hGaving fEmun Am
And it mDakes me fGeel so fEmine
You don't nGeed no mDemorAmy Em
I cAman't contrDol my brGain
D We'll run awGay together
D We'll spend some tGime forever
We'll be plGaying and hDaving fAmun Em
C We'll never fAmeel bad anymDore
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(We'Amll nDeveGr feel bad anymore)
Hip hip Am(No Emno) G D
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(No Amno) D G
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(We'Amll nDeveGr feel bad anymore)
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(No Amno) D G
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